YB Land DX Club donor Plakat CQWPX SSB
YB0NDT Karsono Suyanto
Saya yakin setiap DXer pasti mengetahui CQWPX SSB Contest, salah satu world class contest yang di selenggarakan oleh CQ Magazines setiap tahun bulan Maret minggu terakhir.
—–Original Message—–
From: Doug Grant <dougk1dg@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 13:32:27
To: Pri Handoyo<siectkutilang@yahoo.com>
Cc: k5zd@contesting.com<k5zd@contesting.com>; <karsono_suyanto@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Please Info,….
Hello,Pri –
Thank you for your question regarding WPX SSB plaque sponsorship.
I researched the activity in the Multi-Two category for Oceania.
It appears that there are only 2 – 5 entries per year in this
category/region. We only award plaques for categories that have at
least 25 entries, so I am afraid that this category may not be
suitable for a plaque.
I see that YE0X has the highest score in this category for 2011 in the
claimed scores (before checking). When the official results are
printed, if you would like to have a special plaque made, we can do
that. The cost is USD50, and can be paid by PayPal.
Doug K1DG
CQ WPX Plaque manager
Dear Om Doug…
Follow up this email, YB Land DX Club will donate a plaque for the category Single operator 15m band low power for Indonesia Country Winner , can it be ??? If you do not agree to that category then YB Land DX Club will donate a plaque for Category Multi Two Winner for OCEANIA LEADER.
YB Land DX Club will donate the plaque for 5 years starting from 2012 until 2016.
Me and all of my friends (YB Land DX Club) waiting for your answer. For Payment, I will transfer via paypal.
Karsono Suyanto (YB0NDT) member of YB Land DX Club.
From: Doug Grant <dougk1dg@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 15:55:22 +0000
To: Karsono Suyanto<karsono_suyanto@yahoo.com>
Cc: <siectkutilang@yahoo.com>; <yb4ir@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Please Info,….
Hello, Karsono –
I reviewed the proposed category (SOLP15 YB), and there are only 4 entries in that category in 2011. We cannot offer a plaque for such a small category. Multi-Two Oceania is also a very small category…only two entries in 2010.
I suggest that your group sponsor a plaque for Oceania Single-Operator Low Power High Score. There is now a plaque for Oceania Single Operator High Score, but that will usually be a high power entry, and we will change that to a High Power plaque.
There are lots of entries in Single-Operator Low Power from Oceania, and I think this would be a very good plaque category. There were 58 entries in this category/region in 2010.
If this is acceptable, you can pay for the plaque sponsorship via PayPal to
As I mentioned before, the cost is USD50 per year.
Doug K1DG
Tetapi OM Yoyok masih memperjuangkan agar bisa di usahakan plakat YBDXC untuk Single operator 15m low power Indonesia Country Winner… Inilah emailnya OM Yoyok:
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:22 PM, <siectkutilang@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Doug,
I think that SOSB LP 15m is good enough for Indonesian Plaque sponsored by YBDx Club.
That would be motivate for all indonesian operators on 15m LP. I guarantie that will be manymore entries for indonesian on 15m.
I know that so many indonesian oprs would glad to receive a plaque in SOSB 15m LP hi score Sponsored by our club.
How’s that Doug ? If you agree I would mention to our club to transfer fee for 5 years
73 for now,
From: Doug Grant <dougk1dg@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Please Info,….
To: siectkutilang@yahoo.com
Cc: “Karsono Suyanto” <karsono_suyanto@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, November 18, 2011, 11:32 AM
Hello, Pri and Karsono –
Here is the data for Indonesian entries in WPX SSB SOLP15M for the past 12 years:
2011: 4
2010: 10
2009: 4
2008: 10
2007: 5
2006: 10
2005: 4
2004: 2
2003: 4
2002: 1
2001: 2
2000: 5
This category is too small for a plaque. The winner of YB SOLP15 will receive a certificate, and that is enough.
We only offer plaques for categories/regions with at least 25 entries. For your information, there were about 5000 entries in the 2011 CQWPX SSB contest. Only 66 of those entrants will receive a plaque…about 1.3% of all entrants. Some categories have hundreds of entries and a plaque should recognize a major accomplishment with a lot of competition.
I strongly suggest that you consider sponsoring a Single-Op Low Power plaque for Oceania before someone else chooses to sponsor it.
Doug K1DG
From: Pri Handoyo <siectkutilang@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Please Info,….
To: “Doug Grant” <dougk1dg@gmail.com>
Cc: “Karsono Suyanto” <karsono_suyanto@yahoo.com>, yb4ir@yahoo.com, yb2dx@yahoo.com
Received: Saturday, 19 November, 2011, 6:43 AM
OK Doug,
Thanks for emailed, I would forward this email to our club and we will tell you later on if we will accept and donate for a plaque for SOAB LP or not.
Thanks alot once again.
73 DX,
de Pri, YB0ECT
OM Imam saya hubungi via Blackberry. Satu pertanyaan OM Imam kepada saya adalah:
• Apakah plakat itu tetap di donorkan untuk continent Oceania, mengapa tidak ke continent lain?
Akhirnya Om Imam setuju. Saya sangat senang sekali telah mendapatkan restu dari Om Imam dan om Hans.
Setelah itu saya kirimkan email lagi kepada OM Doug :
Dear Om Doug
We have discussed donation plaque to CQWPX SSB 2012. Our Club President Mr. Imam Raharjo YB4IR agreed to donate a plaque for Single Operator All Band Low Power (OCEANIA LEADER).
About payment, I will send the latest on Monday (Nov 21st 2011) via paypal. And We want our club ” YB Land DX Club ” written on the plaque as a donor .
Starting from 2012 untill 2016 (5 years)
Thank You Very Much
Karsono Suyanto – YB0NDT (member of YB Land DX Club)
Tidak lama kemudian saya mendapatkan balasan email dari OM Doug:
Saturday, 19 November, 2011 8:07 PM
“Doug Grant” <dougk1dg@gmail.com>
Add sender to Contacts
“Karsono Suyanto” <karsono_suyanto@yahoo.com>
“Pri Handoyo” <siectkutilang@yahoo.com>, yb4ir@yahoo.com, yb2dx@yahoo.com
This is good news!
We will add this plaque to the list, and I am sure that your sponsorship will create a lot of activity and interest in the region.
We will add this plaque to the Web site when the payment is received.
Thank you very much for supporting the CQ WPX Plaque program!
Doug K1DG
Saya pun melakukan transfer via Paypal sebesar 250 USD. Setelah transfer selesai dan berhasil saya pun langsung mengirimka email kepada OM Doug K1DG:
On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 1:14 PM, <karsono_suyanto@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear om Doug,
I have already transfered 250 dollar via paypal. Plz check it out …
Thank you…
Regards: Karsono Suyanto
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
Tak lama berselang, saya mendapatkan email lagi dari OM Doug, yang isinya sbb:
From: Doug Grant <dougk1dg@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 13:17:25 +0000
To: <karsono_suyanto@yahoo.com>
Cc: Pri Handoyo<siectkutilang@yahoo.com>; <yb4ir@yahoo.com>; <yb2dx@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Fw: Please Info,….
Hello, Karsono –
Yes, I see the transfer.
Thank you very much!
Doug K1DG
YB Land Dx Club akan menjadi donatur plakat selama 5 tahun terhitung mulai tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2016.
Saya berharap semoga plakat ini bisa di dapat oleh contester-contester terbaik Indonesia setelah bertarung dengan contester-contester dari continent oceania lainnya. Saya yakin pasti bisa.
Regards: Karsono Suyanto (YBØNDT)
YB0NDT Karsono Suyanto