VP2MDD , & VP2MSR, Montserrat, NA103

VP2MDD , & VP2MSR, Montserrat,  NA103
ll QSO’S for VP2MDD since 1993 managed by M0AEP
VP2MDD QTH overlooks the Caribbean Sea on the West coast of Montserrat.
Station grid locator Reference is FK86vr.
Montserrat IOTA reference is NA103 in the Leeward Islands, eastern Caribbean.
Antennas:- Carolina Windom for 10M – 80M (incl. 60M), 5 el Eagle 50 MHz yagi on 18′ boom & 50 MHz half-wave vertical.
Also experimenting with vertical dipoles for 10M & 12M plus 40M – 6M tuned delta loop antenna.
The next activation of VP2MDD will be from Thursday 7th June until Monday 6th August 2012.
Gordon, G3USR / VP2MSR, will be joining me for 2 weeks at the end of June.
We will be concentrating on 6M, 10M & 12M operation.
Thursday 28 June 2012
Depending on band & weather conditions we may operate /P on 6M (100W to 5 el yagi @5M agl) from a cliff top (500 ft asl) site on the east coast of Montserrat in the next few days. Please appreciate no internet or cell phone coverage at the site. Old fashioned hit & miss type operation approximately between 1130 – 2200 utc. This very remote rural site offers uninterrupted take-off over the sea from North through East to South which will give us a clear shot towards Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, West Africa & the Middle East . It is a challenging 50 minute drive each way on poor roads/tracks. Not practical to undertake this operation on a daily basis. 
VP2MDD (Graham) & VP2MSR (Gordon)
Modes: SSB / CW – sorry no data modes.
VP2MDD Txvr : TS480 HX (200 watts HF / 100 watts 50 MHz).
QSL’s for VP2MDD QSO’s can be sent via Bureau (marked via M0AEP) or direct to:-
Graham Dawes (VP2MDD), 11 Ferriby Road, Barton upon Humber, North Lincolnshire, DN18 5LE, UK.
Please include return postage in UK stamps, 2 Euros, current IRC or 2 US$ for direct replies.
Graham M0AEP / VP2MDD