VP2MYL Babs VP2MGZ Lot, Montserrat, November 2012
DL7AFS, Babs and DJ7ZG, Lot starts again another dxpedition!
We will be QRV from Nov 5th till Nov 19th on IOTA NA-103
10-80m – mainly in RTTY, PSK31, PSK63 and SSB – QSL via DL7AFS
Look on the usual DX-frequencies
Calm Volcano on the island
These pictures were taken by Jan, DJ8NK during his stay on the island!
This picture was talken during a volcanic eruption!
The QSL-Info
QSL via the German QSL-bureau DARC to DL7AFS
or direct to:
QSL via the German QSL-bureau DARC to DL7AFS
or direct to:
Baerbel Linge, DL7AFS
Eichwaldstr. 86
D-34123 Kassel
Please remember if you will send several QSLs in one envelope, to include enough postage …
Any further news will be published on this homepage:
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