Best Practices for DXpedition Operating

Best Practices for DXpedition Operating
“The nature of a DXpedition pileup mirrors the skill of the DXpedition operator” – OH2BH. A carefully managed pileup will run with little disruption to the band and lots of fun for the DXers. Here are some suggestions that will help you make the most of the pileups. (Click the link for more information.)
1. Check transmit and receive frequencies before starting.
2. Use split operation from the beginning.
3. Maintain a rhythm of regular transmissions – no long silences.
4. Do not use excessive speed on CW. Slow down when signals are weak.
5. Reduce speed further on CW to pass information to the pileup.
6. Sign our call sign at least every minute.
7. Issue calling instructions after every QSO, for example ‘UP5 EU’ on CW or ‘NA UP 5-10’ on SSB.
8. Minimize Pileup Width: Suggest Max 5-8 kHz CW and 10-15 kHz SSB.
9. Move receive frequency in a generally regular pattern.
10. Repeat corrected call signs so everyone is confident of being correctly logged.
11. Work and log dupes, it’s quicker.
12. Don’t leave the pile-up hanging. Keep the callers informed about QRT/QSY, etc.
13. Maintain a moderate, but “in-charge” attitude.
How We Will Operate
(Note, the text below is an example of information that could appear on your DXpedition Website setting forth the nature of your operating. This idea is for you to tell DXers what you expect from them; what to do and what NOT to do. Referring to such a text on your DXpedition Website shoud go a long way toward a “meeting of the minds” concerning your DXpedition operating.)
How We Will Operate – Guidelines for Consistent Operating
With very few exceptions, we will work split. We will limit our listening space to no more than necessary. We should learn how to use the entire split; we won’t say “up 5 to 10” and then listen on only one frequency.
If the pileup grows too large, we will divide the pileup in some manner. Continents are desirable; numbers are NOT desirable.
We will operate on or very close to our designated frequencies. Sometimes a very small change – 100 Hz, for example — will nullify intentional QRM, but we should be close to our published frequencies.
We will try to operate in one place on one band for many hours at a time. This gives the callers a sense of confidence. We will not change bands if the band in use is producing a good rate to a desired part of the World. We will announce our intent to QSY, QRT or leave the frequency prior to doing so.
We will persist with a callsign, then QRZ. No exceptions. We will NOT call another station until we solicit another Q. Any deviation from this routine is a green light for DXers to call out of turn.
Where possible, we will work the best propagation in order to keep the rate acceptable. We should not try to force the propagation, except perhaps to our target area.
We will sign our callsign frequently. If someone asks, sign your callsign. If our callsign is short, sign after every QSO. This is the easiest procedure to remember.
Accuracy, not speed will be of utmost importance for this operation. This is not a contest. We will give each station’s callsign completely and correctly at least once during each QSO. The caller deserves to be sure of his QSO. He should NOT need the on-line to confirm his QSO.
We will remain calm while trying to control the pileup. We will not chastise DXers for improper calling – neither will we work those who call improperly!
How to Work Us
How to Work Us – A DXers Guide for the DXpedition Website 
Our Goal is to provide every station in the World the opportunity to make at least one QSO, and to enable top DXers to put our callsign in their log on as many bands and modes as possible.
Let’s get started. First, make sure you can copy us well enough for a good QSO. If signals are poor, would it be better to wait a while for better propagation? It can be very embarrassing to you for us to call you when you can’t hear us.
Unless otherwise noted, we will utilise split operation only. This means you cannot succeed by calling on our frequency. We aren’t listening there. Be very careful to set up your transceiver so that you do not call on our transmit frequency. You must find where we are listening and then pick your next transmitting frequency accordingly.
Our operators will try hard to work everyone in the world. Some areas will require more effort than others. Listen carefully to determine if we are trying to work a particular geographical area. Call if you are in that area. We will not respond to callers who are not in that area. If you are not in the desired area, spend the waiting time studying the pileup procedure of the operators. 
Call only if we are calling your exact callsign, if we are calling a very similar callsign or if we are asking for anyone to call. One matching letter in your callsign is NOT enough! Listen to the pileup again, and wait for the next opportunity to call. We will not respond to calls from stations other than those we are addressing. Keep in mind that many DXpedition operators may be hearing you even if they don’t respond. You could earn a bad reputation in this way.
If you do not hear who has been called, listen for a short time as the operator will probably call again. You don’t want to miss his second call. When in doubt, DO NOT call, but rather try to determine the correct procedure. You will be far more successful by listening more and transmitting less.
Be sure you have made a good QSO. If you aren’t sure, make another QSO. It is best not to send a report until the operator sends your callsign correctly. If the operator does not send your callsign correctly, make another QSO. He may have actually worked someone else.
Reiterating, we will not work stations who are: 
•Calling out of turn – when we are trying to work someone else
•Calling out of the called area – study the pileup and wait for your turn
•Calling with an obviously wrong partial callsign – use the time to study the pileup.
These simple guidelines are intended to help you to get into our log quickly. They are consistent with our intended operating procedure. If you call the way we expect you to call, it makes sense that you will be in the log more easily and more often.
We understand that no one is perfect, and that everyone will make mistakes. Keep your own house in order; make sure to minimize your own mistakes. Don’t get frustrated. Our operators are some of the best in the World. Summon your greatest self control, and let us deal with the others. Soon, you will be in the log.