Y2013 is the 20th Anniversary of RRC! Join the celebration in the pile up Hola CubaOn October 28, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in Cuba and christened it “Juana”. Its Indian name was “Cubanacan.” Slowly the name Cuba was adopted by the Spanish. NA-218, Moa Grande Island, planned to be activated from 11 to …
Februari, 2013
2 Februari
The 2013 CQ World-Wide 160-Meter Contest The 2013 CQ World-Wide 160-Meter Contest CW: 2200Z January 25 to 2200Z January 27 SSB: 2200Z February 22 to 2200Z February 24 NEW DEADLINES FOR LOG SUBMISSIONS ARE 5 DAYS! SEE BELOW I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact other amateurs in as many U.S. states, Canadian provinces, …
2 Februari
2013 ARRL DX – CW: Feb 16-17 Phone: March 2-3 ARRL DX – CW: Feb 16-17 Phone: March 2-3 1. Mission, Definitions, and Objectives: .1. Mission: Encourage W/VE stations to expand knowledge of DX propagation on the HF and MF bands, improve operating skills, and improve station capability by creating a competition in which DX stations may only contact …
2 Februari
The 2013 CQ WPX RTTY Contest The 2013 CQ WPX RTTY Contest RTTY: February 9-10 2013 Starts: 0000 GMT Saturday Ends: 2359 GMT Sunday I. Objective: For amateurs world wide to contact as many amateurs and prefixes as possible during the contest period. II. Period of Operation: 48 hours. Single-Operator stations may operate 30 of …
2 Februari
Black Sea Contest Cup Rules «Black Sea Cup International» (English) Rules of contest Founder :BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club) International HF Cup of Black Sea is carried out by BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club). The aim of the competition is to make as many contacts with hams around the world as possible, especially …
2 Februari
Weak Signal Communication SoftwareWSJT, MAP65, and WSPR WSJT Home Page by K1JT Weak Signal Communication SoftwareWSJT, MAP65, and WSPR are open-source programs designed for weak-signal digital communication by amateur radio. Normal usage requires a standard SSB transceiver and a personal computer with soundcard. Some SDR-style hardware including the SDR-IQ, Perseus, SoftRock, and FUNcube Dongle are also …
2 Februari
Welcome to the JT65A Digital Mode for High Frequency Weak Signal Communications. Welcome to the JT65A Digital Mode for High Frequency Weak Signal Communications. Introduction to a weak-signal digital mode Have you ever wondered how much of the noise you hear on the HF bands is actually comprised of signals too weak to be copied? JT65A is a weak-signal digital mode …
Januari, 2013
30 Januari
YC0LOW pada Kontes CQWW 160 CW, 2013 YC0LOW pada Kontes CQWW 160 CW, 2013 Gbr.1. Saya berfoto dengan David, YD1DRP dan Awi YD1DPM (kanan) “Kegilaan harus dipelihara, Jo,” demikian pesan singkat via Blackberry dari Yon, YB1CCF, Wakil Ketua Orari Lokal Bekasi, beberapa minggu sebelum saya ikut serta dalam Kontes CQWW 160m CW, 26-28 Januari 2013. Rupanya, …
25 Januari
ZL9HR Campbell Island DXpedition 2012: A DXer’s Dream Come True! ZL9HR 2012 ZL9HR Campbell Island DXpedition 2012: A DXer’s Dream Come True! By Glenn Petri KE4KY January 4, 2013 In 1975, at the young age of twelve, I entered the world of amateur radio when I received my Amateur Novice Class License. Shortly after getting “on the air,” I …
22 Januari
The Case for CW The Case for CW James Wades, WA8SIW, for the Michigan Net, QMN and National Radio Emergency Net. This article may be reproduced and distributed provided credit is given to the author and the Michigan Net, QMN and National Radio Emergency Net. For nearly two decades now, a vocal group …